Source code for remarker.presentation

from jinja2 import Template

<script src=""></script>
<script>var slideshow = remark.create({ratio: '16:9', slideNumberFormat: '(%current%/%total%)', countIncrementalSlides: false, highlightLines: true});</script>"""

[docs]def generate_html(template_html, slide_markdown, stylesheet_html, title=None): """ Generate HTML for a Reveal.js presentation given a template_html, slide_markdown contents, and stylesheet_html. """ # only support inline css for now, maybe links in the future stylesheet_html = '<style>\n{0}</style'.format(stylesheet_html) presentation = { 'stylesheet_html': stylesheet_html, 'slide_source': slide_markdown, 'title': title, } remark = { 'javascript': DEFAULT_JAVASCRIPT, } template = Template(template_html) return template.render(presentation=presentation, remark=remark)